
发布时间:Jan 8, 2021点击量:









E-mail:  gaohui@cug.edu.cn



2005.09-2010.08     韩国庆熙大学计算机工程专业,获工学博士学位,导师:Oksam Chae

2004.09-2005.06     韩国庆熙大学外国语学院,学习韩语课程

1997.09-2000.06     中国地质大学地质工程专业,获工学硕士学位,导师:乌效鸣

1993.09-1997.06     中国地质大学勘察工程专业,获工学学士学位



2020.01-至今       中国地质大学(武汉)365在线体育(中国),副教授

2010.09-2020.01   中国地质大学(武汉)365在线体育(中国),讲师

2000.07-2004.07   中国地质大学(武汉)365在线体育(中国),助教



硕士招生专业: 地质工程、资源与环境、控制科学与工程、土木水利







[1] 高辉,陈林,潘秉锁,蔡记华,张凌,北戴河实习区岩石识别辅助教学手机APP研发,中国地质大学(武汉)教学改革研究项目,2023~2025

[2] 高辉,姚爱国. 计算机程序在勘查技术与工程专业教学中的应用探索[J]. 教育教学论坛,2013(8):55-57.


[1] 国家重点研发项目子课题,天然月壤宏细观力学特性(No. 2023YFB3711301-3),2023.11~2026.10,纵向项目,主持

[2] 国家重点研发项目子课题,岩土体结构智能识别与物理力学参数综合反演(No. 2023YFC3007003-4),2023.11~2026.10,纵向项目,主持

[3] 中煤科工循环产业研究院(山东)有限公司项目,采空区多源数据地层特征识别与钻进过程智能优化系统集成开发,2022.7~2024.12,横向项目,排名第2

[4] 青海省科技厅项目,绿色勘查车载水文水井钻探泥浆智能净化和调配系统研制-整机集成,2020.1~2023.6,纵向项目,排名第2

[5] 国家自然科学基金重点项目,复杂地质钻进过程智能控制(No.61733016),2018.1~2022.12,纵向项目,排名第10

[6] 中国石化华北石油工程有限公司项目,碳酸盐岩地层复合酸压裂缝延伸模型与施工参数优化研究(No.2016056138),2016.1~2017.6,横向项目,排名第2

[7] 国家高技术研究发展计划863计划)项目,页岩气储层改造技术研究(No.2013AA064503),2013.1~2016.12,纵向项目,排名第5

[8] 国家自然科学基金项目,模拟月壤物理力学特性对钻进过程的影响机理研究(No.51204151),2013.1~2015.12,纵向项目,主持

[9] 绍兴电力局,长距离非开挖地埋电缆敷设过程监测研究,2013,横向项目,排名第2

[10] 中央高校优秀青年教师基金,模拟月壤钻进过程中机具与月壤相互作用动力学仿真研究(No.CUGL120243),2012.1~2014.12,校级项目,主持



[1] 高辉,吴振坤,柯雨,谭松成,何思琪,段隆臣,基于自然图像的钻探岩心识别[J],煤田地质与勘探,2023, 51(9):64-71.(EI, T4)

[2] Wucheng Sun, Hui Gao, Yuxiang Chen, Zhiming Wang, Longchen Duan, Songcheng Tan, Xiaohong Fang, Thermal failure of diamond tools indicated by diamond degradation: Damage evaluation and property prediction on small image datasets, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 119, 105800. (SCI, T2)

[3] Naipeng Liu, Hui Gao, Yuan Xu, Xiaoran Chai, Yule Hu, Longchen Duan, Design and use of an online drilling fluid pipe viscometer, Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2022, 87, 102224. (SCI, T4)

[4] Naipeng Liu, Hui Gao, Zhen Zhao, Yule Hu, Longchen Duan, A stacked generalization ensemble model for optimization and prediction of the gas well rate of penetration: a case study in Xinjiang, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 2021, 12(6): 1595-1608.(SCI, T4)

[5] Naipeng Liu, Di Zhang, Hui Gao, Yule Hu, Longchen Duan, Real-Time Measurement of Drilling Fluid Rheological Properties: A Review. Sensors, 2021, 21, 3592.(SCI, T2)

[6] Wucheng Sun, Hui Gao, Songcheng Tan, Zhiming Wang, Longchen Duan, Wear detection of WC-Cu based impregnated diamond bit matrix based on SEM image and deep learning, International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 2021, 98, 105530.(SCI, T2)

[7] 李谦,高辉,谢兰兰,谭松成,段隆臣,月球钻探取样技术研究进展[J],钻探工程,2021, 48(1):15-34.

[8] Jie Gan, Hui Gao, Shifeng Wen, Yan Zhou, Songcheng Tan, Longchen Duan, Simulation, forming process and mechanical property of Cu-Sn-Ti/diamond composites fabricated by selective laser melting, International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 2020, 87, 105144.(SCI, T2)

[9] Hui Gao, Yule Hu, Longchen Duan, Kun Ai, An Analytical Solution of the Pseudosteady State Productivity Index for the Fracture Geometry Optimization of Fractured Wells, Energies, 2019, 12(1), 176. (SCI, T2)

[10] Kun Ai, Longchen Duan, Hui Gao*, Guangliang Jia, Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment Optimization for Low Permeability Reservoirs Based on Unified Fracture Design, Energies, 2018, 11(7), 1720. (SCI, T3)

[11] Wan Cheng, Hui Gao, Yan Jin, Mian Chen, Guosheng Jiang, A study to assess the stress interaction of propped hydraulic fracture on the geometry of sequential fractures in a horizontal well, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 37 (2017) 69-84. (T3, WOS:000392679900006)

[12] Songcheng Tan, Longchen Duan, Zhijun Guo, Hui GaoTheoretical derivation of the cuttings transportation trajectory for lunar sampling auger drillingInternational Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, 86(2016)204–209.T2, WOS:000376764600020

[13] H. Gao and O.S. Chae, Tooth Anatomy and Knowledge Based Segmentation from CT Images, Journal of Computational Information Systems, 2014, 10(24):10543-10552. (T4, 20150300435747)

[14] 高辉,段隆臣,李谦,刘宾,张大伟,模拟月壤表层采样试验研究[J],地质科技情报,2014, 33(6): 175-179.

[15] 高辉,刘宾,张大伟,段隆臣,月壤表取采样过程离散元仿真分析平台研究[J],计算机仿真,2013, 30(12):92-97.

[16] H. Gao, D.W. Zhang, B. Liu, L.C. Duan, Surface lunar soil excavation simulation based on three-dimensional discrete element method, Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 376, p 366-370, 2013.

[17] S.J. Li, H. Gao, D.M. Xu, F.Z. Meng, Comprehensive Determination of Reinforcement Parameters for High Cut Slope Based on Intelligent Optimization and Numerical Analysis, Journal of Earth Science, 2012, 23(2): 233–242. (T4, WOS:000302526200012)

[18] H. Gao, J.X. Chen, O.S. Chae, A New Visualization Framework of Dental CT images for Orthodontics, International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, pp.353-360, 2010.

[19] H. Gao and O.S. Chae, Individual tooth segmentation from CT images using level set method with shape and intensity prior, Pattern Recognition, vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 2406-2417, 2010. (T2)

[20] H. Gao and O.S. Chae, Visualization of Tooth for Non Destructive Evaluation from CT images, Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 207-213, 2009.

[21] H. Gao and O.S. Chae, Automatic Tooth Region Separation for Dental CT Images, IEEE Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, pp. 897-901, 2008.

[22] H. Gao and O.S. Chae, Touching Tooth Segmentation from CT Image Sequences Using Coupled Level Set Method, IET International Conference on Visual Information Engineering, pp. 382-387, 2008.

[23] H. Gao, M. J. Hossain, O.S. Chae, J. X. Chen, Visualization of Tooth for Non Destructive Evaluation, International Conference on Advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, pp. 536-541, 2007.

[24] X.L. Wu, H. Gao, H. Heo, O.S. Chae, J.S. Cho, S.Y. Lee, Y.K. Lee, Improved B-Spline Contour Fitting Using Genetic Algorithm for the Segmentation of Dental Computerized Tomography Image Sequences, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 328-336, 2007. (T4)

[25] 乌效鸣,高辉,杜峰. 非开挖导向钻进轨迹的三维模拟与调控设计[J]. 探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程),2001(5):45-49.

[26] 乌效鸣,高辉,郭培国,熊载波. 工程勘察与施工计算机辅助设计的软件方法[J]. 西部探矿工程(岩土钻掘工程),1998(10):1-3.



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