
发布时间:Nov 6, 2017点击量:






2018.02-当   前  中国地质大学(武汉) 教授、博士生导师

2017.07-2018.01  中国地质大学(武汉) 特任教授

2015.01-2017.07  Clemson University     Research Assistant Professor

2012.08-2014.12  Clemson University    土木工程专业  工学博士

2011.09-2012.07 同济大学  隧道与地下工程专业  博士学习

2007.09-2011.07  同济大学 土木工程专业     工学学士





2018.01-2020.12  国家自然科学基金青年项目:考虑地质模型不确定性的渐进式滑坡变形演化机理研究 (No. 41702294) 主持

2020.01-2023.12  国家自然科学基金面上项目:考基于影像识别与不确定性分析的滑坡风险定量评估方法研究 (No. 41977242) 主持


担任期刊《Engineering Geology》助理编辑、期刊《Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment》、《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》与《International Journal of Geotechnical Engineering》编委;担任土木工程学会工程风险与保险分会青年论坛委员会副主任委员、地震学会岩土工程防震减灾专业委员会青年工作委员会副主任委员、美国岩土工程风险评估与管理委员会委员等。




1.Gong, W., Tang, H., Juang, C.H., and Wang, L.* (2020). “Optimization design of stabilizing piles in slopes considering spatial variability.” Acta Geotechnica (online).

2.Gong, W.*, Zhao, C., Juang, C. H., Tang, H., Wang, H., and Hu, X. (2020). “Stratigraphic uncertainty modelling with random field approach.” Computers and Geotechnics, 125, 103681.

3.Gong, W.*, Tang, H., Wang, H., Wang, X., and Juang, C. H. (2019). “Probabilistic analysis and design of stabilizing piles in slope considering stratigraphic uncertainty.” Engineering Geology, 105162.

4.Tang, H., Gong, W.*, Li, C., Wang, L., and Juang, C.H. (2019). “A new framework for characterizing landslide deformation: a case study of the Yu-Kai highway landslide in Guizhou, China.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 1-19.

5.Tang, H., Gong, W.*, Wang, L., Juang, C.H., Martin II, J.R., and Li, C. (2019). “Multi-objective optimization-based design of stabilizing piles in earth elopes.” International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 43(7), 1516-1536.

6.Gong, W.*, Martin, J.R., Juang, C.H., Dickenson, S.E., and McCullough, N.J. (2019). “A hybrid framework for developing empirical model for seismic deformations of anchored sheetpile bulkheads.” Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 116, 192-204.

7.Juang, C.H., Gong, W.*, Martin, J.R., and Chen, Q. (2018). “Model selection in geological and geotechnical engineering in the face of uncertainty-Does a complex model always outperform a simple model?” Engineering Geology, 242, 184-196.

8.Chen, G.*, Zhu, J., Qiang, M., and Gong, W.* (2018). “Three-dimensional site characterization with borehole data – A case study of Suzhou area.” Engineering Geology 234, 65-82.

9.Gong, W.*, Juang, C. H., Martin, J.R., Tang, H., Wang, Q., and Huang, H.* (2018). “Probabilistic analysis of tunnel longitudinal performance based upon conditional random field simulation of soil properties.” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 73, 1-14.

10.Juang, C. H., Gong, W.*, and Martin, J. R. (2017). “Subdomain sampling methods – Efficient algorithm for estimating failure probability.” Structural Safety, 66, 62-73.

11.Gong, W., Juang, C. H.*, and Martin, J. R. (2017). “A new framework for probabilistic analysis of the performance of a supported excavation in clay considering spatial variability.” Géotechnique, 67(6), 546-552.

12.Gong, W., Tien, Y. M., Juang, C. H.*, Martin, J. R., and Luo, Z. (2017). “Optimization of site investigation program for improved statistical characterization of geotechnical property based on random field theory.” Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 76(3), 1021-1035.

13.Gong, W., Huang, H., Juang, C.H.*, and Wang, L. (2017) “Simplified robust geotechnical design of soldier pile-anchor tieback shoring system for deep excavation.” Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 35(2), 157-169.

14.Gong, W., Tien, Y.M., Juang, C.H.*, Martin, J. R., and Zhang, J. (2016). “Calibration of empirical models considering model fidelity and model robustness — Focusing on predictions of liquefaction-induced settlements.” Engineering Geology, 203, 168-177.

15.Xiao, J., Gong, W.*, Martin II, J.R., Shen, M., and Luo, Z. (2016). “Probabilistic seismic stability analysis of slope at a given site in a specified exposure time.” Engineering Geology, 212, 53-62.

16.Gong, W., Juang, C.H.*, Khoshnevisan, S., and Phoon, K.K. (2016). “R-LRFD: Load and resistance factor design considering robustness.” Computers and Geotechnics, 74, 74-87.

17.Gong, W., Juang, C.H.*, Martin, J.R., and Ching, J. (2016). “New sampling method and procedures for estimating failure probability.” Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 142(4), 04015107.

18.Gong, W., Juang, C. H.*, and Martin II, J. R. (2016). “Numerical integration method for computing reliability index of a geotechnical system.” Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, 10(2), 109-120.

19.Khoshnevisan, S., Juang, C.H., Zhou, Y., and Gong, W.* (2015). “Probabilistic assessment of liquefaction-induced lateral spreads using CPT — Focusing on the 2010–2011 Canterbury earthquake sequence.” Engineering Geology, 192, 113-128.

20.Gong, W., Juang, C.H.*, Huang, H., Zhang, J., and Luo, Z. (2015). “Improved analytical model for circumferential behavior of jointed shield tunnels considering the longitudinal differential settlement.” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 45, 153-165.

21.Gong, W., Huang, H., Juang, C.H.*, Atamturktur, S., and Brownlow, A. (2015). “Improved shield tunnel design methodology incorporating design robustness.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 52(10), 1575-1591.

22.Gong, W., Wang, L., Khoshnevisan, S., Juang, C. H.*, Huang, H., and Zhang, J. (2015). “Robust geotechnical design of earth slopes using fuzzy sets.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE 141(1), 04014084.

23.Khoshnevisan, S., Gong, W.*, Juang, C.H., and Atamturktur, S. (2015). “Efficient robust geotechnical design of drilled shafts in clay using a spreadsheet.” Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, ASCE, 141(2), 04014092. (Nominated for Best Paper Award (Middlebrooks Award) by ASCE Risk Assessment and Management Committee)

24.Khoshnevisan, S., Gong, W.*, Wang, L., and Juang, C. H.* (2014). “Robust design in geotechnical engineering – An update.” Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, 8(4), 217-234. (Nominated for Best Paper Award)

25.Gong, W., Luo, Z., Juang, C.H.*, Huang, H., Zhang, J., and Wang, L. (2014). “Optimization of site exploration program for improved prediction of tunneling-induced ground settlement in clays.” Computers and Geotechnics, 56, 69-79.

26.Gong, W., Wang, L., Juang, C.H.*, Zhang, J., and Huang, H. (2014). “Robust geotechnical design of shield-driven tunnels.” Computers and Geotechnics, 56, 191-201.

27.Gong, W., Khoshnevisan, S., and Juang, C.H.* (2014). “Gradient-based design robustness measure for robust geotechnical design.” Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 51(11), 1331-1342.


28.Reliability of Geotechnical Structures in ISO2394. By Phoon, K.K. and Retief.

29.Dong, J. J., Tang, L., Gong, W., Utili, S., and Crosta, G. (2019). Mega Engineering Projects in Challenging Geological Environments A Modern Perspective. Engineering Geology (special issue).





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